Product Development Strategies

At Beta Innovations, we believe that proper product specification and development planning helps to control overall project costs and to assure on-time delivery.  New technologies by themselves are not necessarily sufficient for a successful product introduction.  Successful products need to be perceived by the customer to meet one or more unmet need:

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  • Provides research data that has previously been unattainable
  • Provides a function that is faster or higher quality than competitive approaches
  • Is substantially cheaper

All of this needs to happen without disrupting a laboratory's workflow, and with products that are sensitive to space and utility limitations.

Technology discovery groups frequently are not skilled product development professionals, nor should their talents be diverted away from the discovery process.  In addition to our skill at developing innovative new products, we are former laboratory researchers too.  So, from first-hand experience, we can effectively bridge the information gaps between new technology groups and engineering design groups, marketing teams, etc.  

Beta Innovations can help your design team:

  • Establish product specifications that address customer needs and expectations.
  • Assess intellectual property, and develop an IP strategy
  • Develop realistic product development plans that include
    • technology development
    • product prototyping and testing
    • detailed product design
    • integrated systems development including instruments, consumable items, chemical kits, and associated software
    • beta testing
    • product certification
    • initial manufacturing strategies
  • Manage the overall product development function

© Beta Innovations LLC 2013